Monday, November 18, 2013

I'm on Pinterest!

Here is a link to my Pinterest Board for Healthy Eating and Pinned Recipes! I will even post some of my own recipes! Go here for Juicing Inspiration and Healthy, clean, and full of nutrition recipes!

Is That Safe?

Is Juice Fasting Safe?
Contrary to popular belief, YES!
I have seen SO many posts, articles, interviews, and even videos on Anti-Juice Fasting and it really frustrates me. I'm gonna take a little time to explain why Juice Fasts are a safe, easy, and healthy way to reboot your body, lose weight, and get in great shape naturally.

  1. The Length of your Juice Fast has people concerned that it isn't safe.
    • The Length of your Juice Fast should not cause concern because, remember, you are providing your body your daily nutrients as long as you are following The System correctly.  You should, however, always consult your doctor if you are on any medications that affect your health or if you have been recently been to the hospital or may be pregnant.
    • If someone asks you if it is safe to go on a longer Juice Fast past 10 days, don't get caught without saying the right thing. People will always look for a way to talk you out of your journey towards success by masking it with concern and worry or friendly advice. Tell them with confidence: "I am providing my body with a concentrated form of all the nutrients it needs daily to heal, protect, and energize itself. My body is overworked from having to digest my food to obtain its nutrients that it ends up storing it. During my Juice Fast, I am giving it a break to supercharge it, strengthen it, and most of all clean it out. I've done my body a crime, so I'm doing the time"
  2. A Juice Fast is basically an all liquid diet of your fruits and vegetables and roots, wont that cause an eating disorder?
    • I must first ask you this: has any diet you'e tried in the past caused an eating disorder? If the answer is Yes, then you already have health concerns and a Juice Fast may or may not cause your eating disorder to flare up again. Do not attempt unless guided by a counselor and doctor.
      • If your answer is No, then you should not be concerned with this. Your body is designed to eat less in certain seasons and eat more in others. You don't really find yourself consuming nearly as much cookies or Thanksgiving-type food in the middle of Summer do you? Humans naturally eat less in warmer seasons; whether it be to fit in the bikini or just because we are more active or simply because our bodies know we don't need to store food. Therefore, it is natural o eat less when you have too much "food" stored in your body.
    • I have ready many articles of "doctors concerns" in some fashion and health magazines that try to convince you that you may start having an eating disorder due to the lack of eating during a Juice Fast. Unlike other diets, you can drink as much juice as you want. It's really a Juice FEAST, actually! There is no reason for you to starve yourself as long as your fridge is stocked and your juicer is ready!
  3. What about the lack of Protein and Grains your body needs?
    • Vegetables and Fruits have SO many nutrients that our body not only needs, but can survive on. There are even small amounts of protein and of course plenty of fiber! The image below shows just a handful of vegetables and their nutrients: (Keep in mind, that the less you cook produce, the more nutrients it will have, and that is why Juicing is such a necessity to a healthy, daily diet.)
There are so many benefits to Juicing and these are just to name a few! If you have any questions feel free to email me at: . I would LOVE to hear from you! I will always offer my hand to you to get you through your Juice Fast every step of the way!