Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Juicing FAQ's

I get plenty of Juicing questions that range from starting to finishing to the benefits and I think posting some of those questions here may help some people out. Please keep in mind that I am NOT a doctor and that these Q & A's are simply based on personal experience, research, and what other highly experienced juicers and nutritionists have taught me. (I know it's long, but it's ALL worth the great info!)


How do I get started?
Always consult your doctor first and make sure that the Fast will not cause any harm or effect any medication you may be on or physical conditions you have. Next, research it! Check out my other posts and follow the links I have provided for other juicing sites. Be wary of the "anti-juicers" for although they make have good information, they can scare you. (Trust me, I think I'm dying every time I have a slight cough just because I research it! haha!) Also, you and I can always chat on Wizpert and I can help you get ready too! Lastly, Get mentally and emotionally ready. Avoid things that will make you feel negative or stressed out and surround yourself with happy and positive things! I created a motivational Pinterest board and look at it when I need a good kick!

What do I do to prepare myself for it?
Follow the SYSTEM! I can't tell you how many times I get frustrated because someone didn't start a Fast correctly and they're so much more miserable then they need to be! Second, tell everybody even if they think you're crazy; its better to tell someone who is a health nut, so they can hold you accountable. If you want, you can tell me and I will do my best to motivate you, keep you on track, and help you in any way I can.
Regular or Organic?
The best way to get ALL of the benefits of a Fast is to go all organic. I know for some areas, this may be difficult or too expensive to do, but it really is the best option. Plus, why would you go through all this and still put chemicals in your body? If you must use regular produce, I haven't had a problem with doing so. I did my first Fast all organic and my second regular. I cleansed faster, felt better sooner, and lost more with organic than I did regular. That's gotta tell you something!
What about protein?
You are welcome to blend your juice with protein powder or creatine. I would make a "smoothie" before and after a workout to help boost my recovery. However, what many don't know is that produce has protein! Sure it's not a steak, but it will sustain your body during a cleanse. Your body will thank you for the break from having to break down and sort hard, tough muscle and just recieve its nutrients in a liquid form.

Will this create an eating disorder?
I recently read an article about the danger of Juice Fasts creating eating disorders. It was a scary read! I discovered that most of the people who had this result either didn't do the SYSTEM correctly, were waaaaaay too hard on themselves, or already had a minor eating disorder before starting. If you do it right, your stomach will shrink and your cravings will lessen, but you shouldn't have an eating disorder. Speak with your doctor first and above all, go easy on yourself during this fast! You're body is already going through enough, don't add worry and stress to it.

During the Fast:

What should I expect my first time?
It's gonna be a doozy! It's different with everyone, but at least for one day, you'll feel terrible. I'll be honest and blunt, I felt like I was going to kill my roommates just because they were eating regular food. Some people feel terrible the entire time, while others feel better by the second day. Just remember to juice whenever your hungry or thirsty and drink plenty of water. I mean that! Shoot for about a gallon. The picture gives one example, but I figured that if you have about 2 cups every two hours, you'll get all your water in for the day. Lastly, you will use the bathroom, a lot! Whether it's solid or liquid, be near one at least for the first 48 hours. (However, I've also had people "hold onto" their solids for three or four days!)
What do I do if I feel like crap?
Just like a massage or sauna, your body has been exposed to toxins releasing themselves from your inner walls. Drinking water and staying away from caffeine and absolutely NO alcohol will help you purge all that out rather quickly. Decaf tea is fine, but NO water additives like those TO-GO powders you put in water bottles. I like adding lemon juice to my water and you'd surprised how sweet that tastes!

I'm Starving! Why?
You may also feel hunger pains. Keep in mind that your body isn't used to a liquid based diet and will work over time and faster to process the "food" you consumed. It will eventually slow down and you'll begin to feel less and less hungry. Also, water will help you stay full. I would drink a glass of water every time you drink a glass of juice. Another point I can't stress enough, is to juice when you're hungry. That means you can juice unlimited times a day. When was the last time you saw ANY diet say that?

Should I workout?
Of course! Just take it slow. Don't start a Fast and start something like P90X or Insanity too. This fast is a time for your body to heal itself from all the damage you've done to it from the inside. Doing yoga, pilates, hula hooping, walking, swimming, and biking are all good exercises to do that still work your muscles, but won't "kill you." After a Fast, you are welcome to begin you regular routine again, but again, consult your doc, research, or contact a nutritionist for the best advice on how to keep your body clean and workout safely.
I'm not losing as much weight anymore! WTF? 
->I can't tell you how many times I've heard this one! My first question back is: Are you doing this to get healthy or just to lose weight? If you are doing it just to lose weight, stop. Why? You will be disappointed afterwards when you go back to eating regularly and gain everything back. You are better off doing other diets that will give you the same results in weight loss and popping a colon cleanse pill along the way. at least you won't feel hungry.
->If that ISN'T your issue and you are doing this to change your way of eating to a better one, my next question is: What is your activity level? If you don't do any sort of movement (like a walk) your body will just purge the toxins and then clean itself gradually dropping a pound here or there.
->That not your issue either? My last answer is that everyone is different and that you will loose a lot of weight the first couple of days because, remember, it's all water, toxins, and waste. Your body will slow down after and drop weight naturally as it sees that it no longer needs to store the food anymore.I don't weigh myself during a Juice Fast becuase I don't like to get all excited and then fizzle out. If I like what I see in the mirror, the scale won't matter. And you WILL notice it and so will the mirror!
What's the minimum I should go? 
I recommend going at least 5 days of actual juicing. This does NOT include the prep days and the going off a Fast days. During that time, you will have cleansed your colon and a good chunk of your body's toxins. However, any of the weight you lost during those days is the result of the toxins, other "backed up" things in your body, and water weight. If you go back to eating like you did before, you will yoyo back with more weight. On the flip side, you could go as long as you want as long as you have prepared yourself correctly, consulted your doctor, and you are following the SYSTEM. Remember, it's just juiced produce! I do recommend not going any longer than 60 days if you're doing a lifestyle change, have a significant amount of weight to lose, and plan on eating regular food again. Remember, do your research and what is healthy and safe for you.
How do I end?
Any length of time you go on a Juice Fast, you should slowly incorporate other foods and solids back in. It's a day by day, patience-trying process, but worth it! You just did ALL this work and you don't want to shock your body and have it try to process new food too soon. For a regular 10 day fast, it is a 7 day process. The 5 day fast, its a 4 day process. Following this is very important for your body and for yourself. Remember, we did this to get healthy! We want only good things present in our temple.
I didn't lose as much weight as I thought I would, why?
Again, everyone is different and may not lose like their friend. First, STOP comparing yourself to someone else. It's a bad habit; like picking your nose, it's just gross. Second, if you did mostly fruit juices and didn't expore the wonderful world of veggies, you are still consuming fruit sugar and will not lose nearly as much as a balanced juicing diet. Lastly, check your protein powder and creatine. There should be NO sugar additives at all, even if the label says "organic." These chemicals impair weight loss almost as bad as diet sodas. You are only substituting what you used to consume with chemicals. The best way is to CUT BACK, not substitute. Plus, the "extra flavoring" changes the pure taste of juice anyway.

Now What?
EAT RIGHT! I added this picture of comparisons from what you used to eat to what you, hopefully, eat now. Continue to consume what you drank during your Fast, and try to eat like you did when you came off the Fast. Your body will thank you and you will be happy with the results and get more nutrients out of the food you eat.
I don't want to gain all the weight back, what do you recommend I do?
Live and breathe the "Everything in Moderation" rule. Remember when you used to drink a beer every night? Then you didn't have a single one during your Fast, and now you want one? Great! Have one! Have two! But let's keep in mind what that does to your body and what it feels like to have to purge that. Having a few drinks on the weekend, or having a cookie twice a week won't cause you to gain it all back. Even the most in shape people (like The Rock, for example) don't have a drink every night. They understand the importance of the shape their temple needs to be and to respect it. Plus, I'm sure they savor every drop when they do have it, which makes you not take the drink for granted.
Should I (and why) do it again? 
Absolutely do it again! I have some friends who do it at the beginning of every season and others that do one every 6 months. (After Christmas and before swimsuit season!) The seasonal juicers are very healthy and are always cleaning out their bodies. Even the every 6 months guys are healthy too and feel better every time they do it. You will be surprised how much toxins exit your body on regular Juice Fasts although you eat healthy. There are still chemicals in the air, water, restaurant foods, and other foods we eat. Remember that "healthy" means "not processed" and not high in fats, carbs, and sugars. Just think of eating healthy as the Fast & days you got "off a Fast" schedule.
Will I continue to see benefits after I'm done
Yes! You're body is like a newly polished motor now and will continue to take in, process, and push out the waste at a very good pace. Just like any machine, it can get worn down, and that's why we take it into the mechanic who fixes it up like a Juice Fast does. You're body is clean and will do so much better now, so take advantage of it, and keep it nice and tighty!

Will I lose weight?
Yes! You will always lose the waste weight, some water weight, and the weight from toxins. After about day 4, you body will start purged unnecessary weight your body has stored.
What else does this do for my body?
There is definitely a colon cleanse, but I personally and others have told me that they have also experienced increased energy, better skin and hair and nails, thinking clearly, better eyesight, disappearance of skin conditions, rashes, or acne, better moods, increased metabolism, better functioning nervous system, catching less or no colds and allergies, cleansed liver and kidneys, smaller stomach and better digestion, better sexual moods, less or no cravings, stay full longer, better breath and teeth, sleeping well, stopped taking or lessened medicine doses, less stress, more confidence, and simply just laughing more.
What was it like for you?
My first time was hard during the first four days. I acted like a total B*tch! But when I saw myself in the mirror on day 7 I was smiling and checking myself out! The second time was easier and "the pain" only lasted til day 3. I was feeling better inside, making better decisions, and had less cravings. I plan on going on another fast very soon and will be happy to blog about it! Oh, and my husband is currently on one, so guys can do it too!
Should I recommend this to friends?
 Yes! Refer them to my blog or to contact me on Wizpert and I'll help them get all set up. Share your results and your plans for your future temple and if they do decide to jump on, encourage them, stick with them, and show them some of your own taste juice recipes!

That about wraps it up! If you have a question that isn't listed here, feel free to contact me and ask!

Happy juicing!

-Chef Marie C.M.  

The Juice Fast SYSTEM

In other posts, I've mentioned this system. I mostly redirect you to another site or two, but here is the entire system for a regular 10 day juice fast for easy reference. There is no caffeine, sugar, sugar substitutes, water additive packets, or alcohol consumed during a cleanse. This works best with organic produce.

10 Day Juice Fast:
Total days: (20)

  • Set up your body with two days of eating raw. This will get your body ready for the cleansing.
1. Raw, uncooked foods.
2. Eat like a rabbit again.
  • Next, start your juice fast. I like starting on Mondays for easy tracking! Plus, I can go grocery shopping over the weekend. 
  • Juice fruits in the morning, fruit/veg in the afternoon, and veg in the evening. Remember to drink 2 cups of water every 2 hours and you'll stay full.
3. Juice
4. Juice
5. Juice
6. Juice
7. Juice
8. Juice 
9. Juice
10. Juice
11. Juice
12. Juice

  •  Yay! You made it through the tough part! As you continue the next seven days, continue juicing like you were, but now we get to add solids! (Serving = 1 Cup, one apple, a few stalks of celery, or 4 oz. for meat)
13. Juice, 1 serving of solid fruit and one serving of solid veggie.
14. Juice, 2 servings each of solid fruit and veggie
15. Juice, 2 servings each of solid fruit and veggie, 1 serving of lentils
16. Juice, 2 servings each of solid fruit and veggie, 1 serving of lentils and/or nuts, 1 serving of whole grains
17. Juice, 3 servings each of solid fruit and veggie, 1 serving of lentils and/or nuts, 1 serving of whole grains, 1 serving of fish.
18. Juice, 3 servings each of solid fruit and veggie, 2 serving of lentils and/or nuts, 1 serving of whole grains, 1 serving of fish or chicken.
19. Juice, 4 servings each of solid fruit and veggie, 2 serving of lentils and/or nuts, 2 serving of whole grains, 1 serving of fish, chicken, pork, or beef.
  • The last day! Good job! I'm proud of you and so is your body! Pat yourself on the back! 
20. Juice and Eat Healthy foods!!!!